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The Lord is With Thee

Writer's picture: Sheila TextorSheila Textor

Day 2

Judges 6:12, 14

And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.

And the LORD looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee?

This story is clearly not Joshua and Moses. We can tell by the way Gideon responds he doesn’t have the courage he needs to fulfill this assignment. In verse 13, Gideon questions, wondering if God has forsaken them. Gideon didn’t have Moses leading him. Gideon began to make excuses of why the angel surely had the wrong man. He uses his place in life to try to discount his assignment, saying he’s from a small family. He just couldn’t grasp that he had been chosen to be over this battle. They had been praying for God to send someone to help them. We all do that sometimes, we are looking for God to send help. We can’t see ourselves as the help. We can sympathize with Gideon. He began to list all the reasons he wasn’t qualified to do this great feat. His family was poor. He was the least in his father’s house. I feel his insecurity, don’t you? But there’s a difference between insecurity and humility. We never want to come off as if we know we are the one God needs to pick. The posture of the heart matters. We need to be willing to say here am I send me, but with an attitude of total dependence on God to be with us. Gideon did rise up to meet the challenge and gained the courage he needed through God. God in His patience and care for Gideon, through signs and instructions, the battle was won.


Here am I, Lord, send me. I will move forward in this world below as long as You promise to go with me. God I am like Gideon sometimes when You come to me with an assignment. I make excuses for not moving immediately. My funds are low, things are tight, I don't know a lot about that. I must remember that You are not asking me to do something I can’t. You won’t guide me without providing for me. If I stay close to thee, if I keep Your Word hidden in my heart I will be able to have the God courage I need. Amen.

Insert from How to Be Courageous, Confident and Consistent

Bee Devotional Series #6 ( coming soon )


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