Psalms 13:1
How long wilt thou forget me,O LORD? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me?
David was known to ask God tough questions. He wanted to know why he felt like God had forgotten him. Not just why but how long!
I been there. I'm there now. I have been asking this question for several months. Seems like God is silent. The events that are unfolding are no where near what I heard in my spirit the beginning of this year (2023).
What do we do when it seems like God is not answering our hearts cry? What are we to do when we are in that waiting period?
Even though my soul is longing for that breakthrough I just keep standing on His Word. The Bible is packed full of stories and passages that keep us moving forward. They keep us looking up in our spirit. Zep.3:17 says He will joy over thee with singing. The Lord singing over me wow. You know as parents we sing over our babies. I have sang over them and to them. God compares his relationship with us like a parent and a child. If you are not a parent yet it may be hard to grasp this. If you came from a loving family then you know how your parents loved on you, watched over you, protected you. Then you know that God is well aware of your situation.
I can't tell you that God will not make you wait or that he won't allow you to go through any hard times. What I can tell you is you can trust the process. I cannot wait to come back and share my breakthrough. Share the dream that came to pass. He can't lie!
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