Eph. 5:20 ( KJV )
Giving thanks always for all things!
Let's be honest, that is a tough scripture to live by. Life by default is hard. Heartaches and disappointments are almost the norm now days.
Death knows no season, neither does sickness or financial problems. Everyday someone is drawing their last breath,spending their last dollar or getting a death sentence from the Doctors.
Somehow though we have to find a way to bee thankful, to find the silver lining in the tragedy. When we dig deep and find something to be thankful for it releases healing chemicals into our body. I encourage you today in this season we call Thanksgiving write down as many blessings as you can and really take to heart what you are writing. Count them one by one.
Take a little time and encourage someone this week. Show them how thankful you are for them. Every year in Nov and Dec I purchase gift cards mainly fastfood and hand them out to the city workers that pick up our garbage weekly, the guys that gather the baskets from the parking lots for our convenience. I really do appreciate them. Actually I try to bless them year round. I call them my blessing cards. Try it when you need to be encouraged and watch how it makes you feel. It's the season of Thanksgiving and gift giving. Let's do that.
God bless you All.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Sheila Textor